i am an alien from translearze i bring you all the cheese you have aver seen with one
objective i moustache you  to say why so simple minded with the education system
use your five senses to learn there are many ways to learn so please schools please
stop killing people creativity. i liked the part in the video when they used a factory as
an example of drilling things in peoples mind with only one way instead of different
creative way to gain the same objective and what’s to loose the whole point of the
education system is to have people in society who will be reproductive to the economy
creating a better country and better lives for them selfs.

different ways to learn are both better fore the student and interest of the country
but this raises a question how much creativity should be aplied it should not be the
only obgective is to have fun with out reproducing a valied working peace so have some
cheese i moustache you good by.

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